Category: <span>Blog</span>

BurlyCon notes, for my loves who could not be here.

(and for my own reference 😉 )

Class: You Don’t Need to Do It All: Prioritizing Your Burlesque Life

Jo Boobs Weldon
Through practical exercises and visioning techniques, attendees will discover what matters most to them in their burlesque careers, and will discuss how to prioritize their time and focus. Topics covered will include: When and How to Say No; When and How to Say Yes; When to Work for Free; When to Raise Your Rate; Prioritizing Among Performing, Producing, Teaching, Taking Classes, Entrepreneurship, Mentoring, Writing, Other Skills, and More. Come prepared to challenge yourself!

Class: I’m an Artist and I’m Sensitive About My Sh!t: Practical Self-Evaluation

Nasty Canasta
As artists, self-awareness is invaluable: it can help us avoid everything from particularly unflattering styles of underwear to murderous depressive rage every time a show is announced that we’re not in. Most importantly, it’s essential for healthy artistic growth, personal contentment, and professional accomplishment. With no established structure for constructive criticism within our art form, it’s vital that we healthily and realistically evaluate our own artistic progress and professional accomplishments. In this workshop and guided discussion we’ll learn the tools needed to ask and answer these intimidating questions of ourselves, in order to work positively as artists and continue to move toward our goals. The workshop is open to performers, producers, or any creators of various experience levels. Bring a notebook and pen, and be prepared for writing and discussion in a safe and judgement-free space.
sensitive_nasty sensitive_nasty2
You can find the full self-evaluation form here: Self-Evaluation Form

Class: The Art of the Performer Bio

Sailor St. Claire
Do you find yourself in a panic when asked for a bio? Not sure what to say, or how much you should say? This class will introduce you to the genre of the performer bio, and provide a method for creating a stockpile of bios for various audiences – from festival producers, to fans, to potential bookers. The bio is a critical tool for performer’s self-presentation, and this class will instruct students on how to craft engaging biographies that maintain a consistent persona across multiple platforms. Bring a notebook and a pen.
more to come! wooooo BurlyCon it’s so amazing!